circa 1983

Saturday, February 19, 2011

10 and 10 frankie's list of love and hate...

10 celebrities who influenced me :

1 syd Barrett
2 Simon Gallup
3 Percy Shelley
4 Arthur Rimbaud
5 August Strindberg
6 Karl Marx
7 Bakounin
8 Tich nhat Hahn
9 Lao tseu
10 the shakyamuni Buddha

10 celebrities I could crap on :

1 Adolf hitler
2 George w bush
3 Nicolas sarkozy
4 jean Marie lepen
5 Francois hollande
6 rush limbaugh
7 glen beck
8 Jesus Christ
9 god
10 twitty bird

Attitude, sweet attitude

As "the faune" said :
"you are not serious, when you're seventeen"

The world, before my eyes, was slowly unfolding.

Belief had no place
Only attitude prevailed

On the zinc altar, though
Sparkling beverages of the gods
Quenched my thirst and numbed my brain

Good times

Good times when the only act of living
Was relevant and real

A leap forward
I'm 44
And you're not serious
When you're 44

Sunday, February 13, 2011



 1. Bators

Stiv Bators - Big Influence on me that year.

 2. Fromenterie

La Fromenterie : Bakeries in France... A chocolate croissant after a "loaded night"... nothing better to get back on your feet !


Picon + Beer from Belgium = Happy 1991 Frankie

 4. Okus Pokus

Name of my Band at the Time.

 5. HangOver

1991 Saw a lot of those... at least for me !

 6. Philonarde

Stinky street I lived on, but still, had lots of fun with my friends there.

 7. Flee

Sunday morning pass time for years and years = going to the flee market and drinking lots of expressos! 


Bar I used to call "Home"

 9. Avignon

Avignon : My Potato City :)
I love it and Hate it all at the same time.

10. Gambrinus


Another Bar In Avignon.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


I fed my anger
I did
Feed with tears
screams and tantrums
I fed my angst and terror
I did
Feed with fear
Doubts and treason
I fed my losses
I did
Feed with betrayal
Lies and Deception
Year after year
from despair to false hope
I lost myself into idle hope
until one day
until one night
I fled away
And died for all
but me
Sleep, sleep
I slept through present days
Until one day
far far way
A future now appeared to me
Now, at last
Here I am - fresh, clean and new
Here I am, at last


Hard to believe, that solid thoughts
will thaw and disappear
Into the gutter
Hard to believe,
I believe, It’s Hard
To store or delete
Format or erase
all the good, all the bad
Hard to believe, that solid thoughts
will thaw and disappear
Into the gutter